Find Love Online

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Web scammers fleecing people looking for love

Online dating scam warning signs (DAVID HEMENWAY / Courier Graphic Artist)
WATERLOO, Iowa --- His name was Mark, or at least that's what he told her.
"He was good looking. His picture was, anyway," said the retired Waterloo nurse. She found Mark through an online dating service in January.
The picture he posted was a professional shot, like one might find of in the back of a hardcover novel showing the author.
The story he told her was fascinating.
But by April it was clear the tale Mark was spinning was fiction, and the 58-year-old woman, who asked not to be identified for reasons that will soon become evident, had lost more than $138,000 of her savings to a scam.
"It sucked me in, and I wanted to believe so much," she said.
The woman came forward to describe her ordeal in hopes that other vulnerable people won't fall for the same trap.
"Believe me, you are better off alone," she said.
Capt. Tim Pillack with the Waterloo Police Department confirmed investigators are looking into the con, which involved the woman sending tens of thousands of dollars in cashiers checks and using money transfer companies.
Experts say the scam is common, a variation of schemes that use fake Nigerian oil ministers or bogus sweepstakes. The only difference is the payoff for the victims is supposed to be romance, not lottery winnings.
According to a recently released FBI Internet crime report, authorities looked into 5,668 romance scams in 2011 with losses totaling $50 million. It was the fourth most commonly reported scheme behind work-at-home scams, loan scams and FBI agent impersonation.
"A lot of it we don't hear about, but the matters of the heart where emotions come into play, that's a strong situation," said Al Perales, an investigator with the Iowa Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division. "Scammers are all about human nature."
Perales has seen an increase in con artists using dating sites over the past three years, and most are targeting older residents.
The usual scheme involves hooking the victim using kind words and a photograph pilfered from social media or business profile websites.
A newer hook involves scammers claiming to be soldiers, said Frank Kiouna, who helps run RomanceScam.Com, a service to track fraud started in 2005.
In some cases the thief will ask for cash to cover travel expenses, medical bills or some other emergency. He or she may send the victim a check, asking to have it cashed and the money wired back. The check turns out to be counterfeit, and the bank takes the missing money from the victim's account.
"If the first money request has success, then they know they can try again," Kiouna said.
Mark said he was a soccer scout who lived in Nebraska and traveled the world with big bucks to recruit players for the L.A. Galaxy team. He was also planning to build a soccer camp in Nebraska.
The woman said it wasn't the money that drew her in --- she had a comfortable nest egg from savings and an inheritance --- nor was it his face.
She had lived in Nebraska, her father was from there, and she cherished the thought of someday returning to live in the state.
She was starting to develop Parkinson's disease and wasn't looking forward to growing old alone.
Mark, it seemed, was willing to look past her foibles.
They emailed each other and talked on the phone but never met in person.
He said he took off to Malaysia to scout players there and had a $6 million budget. What he didn't spend to sign the players was his to keep.
But he said he was only given a portion of the money to work with, and after three weeks, he needed money to pay taxes and seal the deal. Could she loan him $65,000?
She agreed, and after the first loan, other expenses kept popping up. The woman was concerned that if she didn't pay, Mark would lose the deal, and she wouldn't get her money back.
"It just snowballed, and I kept sending more and more," she said.
Eventually, her bank became suspicious and wouldn't let her wire from her account because it smelled like a scam. Then services like Western Union blocked her for the same reasons.
Relatives and friends warned her, and the woman admitted there were other red flags.
Mark spoke with what he claimed was an inherited accent acquired from Kentucky and Oxford or growing up with Italians and Jamaicans. Police would later tell her it was likely Russian.
One of Mark's associates, who claimed to work for the Galaxy team, wrote in shattered grammar, at one point explaining the "paper works" that needed to be completed to move the money.
And aside from the book-jacket style profile portrait, there were no other pictures, no casual snapshots or vacation pictures. Of course, there couldn't be if the photo was of someone else.
The biggest clue, experts said, was the fact he asked for money.
In the back of her mind, she thought it was likely a scam. But she was torn. There was always the chance it wasn't, and if she didn't continue to help she might not get her money back.
The victim began to admit to herself what she had long suspected during Mark's last request for cash.
He was supposed to fly back to the states so they could sign an agreement that would get her on the path to recovering what she had invested. First he needed a plane ticket and money for other expenses.
But the wiring service had locked her out, so she went to her bank in hopes of getting a cashiers check to send to one of Mark's associates in Florida who could forward the money.
The bank teller refused to sell her the check and called the bank manager in on her day off. In the discussion that followed, the woman broke down, spilling her whole story to the manager.
"It was a huge weight off my shoulders," the woman said.
After she quit sending money, Mark mailed her a $55,000 check and asked her to send back a portion of it. Authorities checked with the bank that allegedly issued it and discovered it was bogus before any money changed hands.
Resigned to the fact she won't recover her losses, the woman has changed her phone number and email addresses. She also entered an identity theft protection program because one of the wire transfers had her Social Security number on it.
But she hasn't given up on finding Mr. Right.
"People say don't stop trusting others," she said.
She met another person through an Internet dating service, and they went on a real date.
Part of Perales' job at the Consumer Protection Division involves talking to relatives of victims who want to help victims see the light.
"They have tunnel vision, and they don't pay attention to all the red flags around them because they are in love," Perales said.
He suggests quizzing the supposed love interest during a phone call. If he says he's from the United States, ask something that should be common knowledge to average Americans. If he says he's a doctor, he should know what a patella is.
When a victim swears the online friend is for real, Perales suggests a friend give him a ring.
Kiouna said there are also a number technological checks one can run. For instance, run the email address through a search engine, or do the same with any poetry they send. Chances are an anti-scam website has it cataloged.
Relationship scams can be reported to the Federal Trade Commission at or 1 (877) 382-4357, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center at, or local police.

Monday, 21 May 2012

By Claire Rutter On May 18, 2012 The Saturdays Vows To Find Mollie King A Boyfriend

Mollie King is trying so hard to prove that she's not going out with Prince Harry that she's revealed that she'll even try online dating to bag herself a new man, and The Saturdays will help her.
During an appearance on ITV1's Lorraine, the blonde pop star revealed that she wanted a new man but that she didn't really know where to find an eligible bachelor.
“I'm single, so the girls are going to set me up on dates I hope,” she explained. “I don't really know where I can meet people."
But it was Frankie Sandford who revealed that online dating is their next experiment to find a man. "We're going to set her up on online dating!", before Mollie added: “Set up my own little account."
Rochelle, who is engaged to Marvin Humes from JLS, knew what she was talking about as she said: "There's even ones for men in uniforms now!"
Mollie said: “I know, I saw that! Uniform Dating that one. Bring me a nice sailor and I'm yes [punches the air], Ahoy!”
Rochelle added: “She keeps getting loads of offers, everyone's always texting me.”
The Saturdays were performing on the show, where they sang their latest single and met David Cameron.
Mollie & Frankie Go Blazing...

Online Dating Gets a Little Less Virtual

Online dating, it’s now universally agreed, has its limits. Among the two biggest glitches: dates who look nothing like their profile pictures and dates who are happy to email but decline to ever actually go on a bodily, non-virtual date. In an effort to combat such digital diversionary tactics, one of the biggest online dating services,, has decided to get people out from behind their computers to come out and play. Ironic, no?
Regular dating has its glitches too, including extreme initial awkwardness when two people first meet and the even extremer awkwardness of the next few hours when a date proves to be a nonstarter. believes that with its database of single-but-searching folks, its algorithm for finding compatibility and a little bit of alcohol, it can put together a heck of a singles mixer.
(MORE: Survey Says, He’s Just Not That Into Being Single)
The company has been quietly inviting members to gatherings for the past few years — so far, it has hosted about 60 singles events. After all, it knows where the singles are, and it knows what they say they like. So encouraged has Match been by the results, it’s just launched an event service known as Stir, which will host 2,000 to 3,000 singles parties a year, hitting 24 cities in June and 70 in September.
Since everyone at the events  is looking for a date, the awkwardness is a shared burden and will be easier to shrug off, reasons the company. Also, the dating service is digging deep into its database of 3 million singles, so it can slice and dice the guest list. If it wanted to host a singles event on the south side of Topeka in which everybody was a single parent between the ages of 30 and 40 with an interest in Shar-Pei breeding, it could do that — all while making sure that the ratio of male to female dog lovers is perfectly balanced.
Many companies have already tried to spin their online presence into a singles meetup business, including Howaboutwe, Grouper  and even local public radio stations.’s advantage here is the size of its singles pool and the depth of information it has about their preferences.
Match’s VP of Strategy and Analytics Amarnath Thombre says the Stir meet-ups are not in response to recent studies that have questioned the effectiveness of compatibility algorithms such as the one offers but a natural area of development for a company that just wants to get people together. Nevertheless it seems to suggest that online dating might have found its natural limits; it cannot find a mathematical formula for chemistry.
(MORE: Advice for Online Daters: If You’re a Guy, Don’t Smile)
To say the dating company has high ambitions for Stir is an understatement. Match considers its foray into the offline world the biggest news in its 17 years of existence. “We will be the largest singles event company in the world,” predicts president Mandy Ginsberg. “We could potentially serve half a million people a year.” She also waxes about spurring local economies and revitalizing downtown areas by bringing customers to the local bars where the gatherings take place.
Stir will offer two kinds of events: mixers that come along with monthly membership and activity-specific mixers — a class in mixology or cooking or wine-tasting that attendees will pay extra for. It’s also developing a series of online getting-to-know you games that users who can’t get away from home — half of’s members are single parents — can use to playfully find out about their potential dates. The games are Family Feud-ish; both players have to answer an opinion question and then compare answers. “Online dating has been an effective way to meet, but it’s not always the best way to get to know someone,” says Ginsberg.
But even games are not nearly as effective a matchmaking tool as actual meetings, acknowledges Ginsburg. “Getting people in front of each other is so important.” In other words, single people, stop reading now.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Mr Right is not online

I started internet dating a few years ago. I found that I rarely met single men in my day-to-day life. I work in book publishing, which is made up of about 80 per cent women, and most of my friends are married so my social life consists of going out to dinner with other couples. Internet dating seemed like a good idea; there's a huge cross- section of people out there and I had at least three friends who have married men they found on the internet, which was all quite encouraging.

I was absolutely petrified going on my first date. To be fair, it wasn't under the best circumstances. I was doing it because I thought I ought to get over somebody. Unfortunately the person I met was obviously in the exact same boat and I think neither of us was up for it. He'd just got divorced and I ended up counselling him and by the end of the date I was telling him that he wasn't really ready to meet someone new and that he should probably stay in for a while. He mainly talked about how much he missed his daughter. It was far more tragic than romantic. He was really nice but he was obviously there just because someone had told him to get back on the horse. I discovered that a lot of people throw themselves into it before they're ready.
I didn't give up, though, and looked for more dates. It takes up a lot of time and it can be quite soul-destroying so I tended to do it in bursts. I'd go on about 15 dates over the space of three months and then I'd take some time out and not do it for a while.
When you start, you think it's going to be such fun putting yourself out there, but every single person I know who has done internet dating has had the same experience: out of all the people you contact, not one of them will get back to you. Instead you will get invited out by 65-year-olds from Lincoln with whom you have nothing in common. You get a bit disheartened after you realise it's not quite what you were expecting. Although it seems like a massive pool to choose from, when it gets down to what kind of person you want to meet and who wants to meet you, there's never actually a vast amount of choice. Or at least there wasn't for me. Soon after starting, I was thinking that maybe I was being too picky, maybe the 65-year-old from Lincoln was the one I should be going for. It does have a way of making you doubt yourself.
The problem, I soon discovered, is that there's something inherently peculiar about picking the characteristics of the person you want to date, because in real life the people you end up with almost never tick all those boxes. With internet dating, you're encouraged to be very specific about what you want, but that means you're ignoring tons of people who might actually be perfect for you. Once, I met a random man in a bar who proceeded to chat me up. I thought he seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place him. It then dawned on me that he had rejected me on the dating site about two weeks previously. So on the internet he wasn't interested in me, but in real life, he was flirting with me. It's because the internet is actually a very strange way to decide what you think about a person.
Then there's all the dishonesty. Lots of people lie about their age, which is annoying but I suppose you can understand. But bizarrely, lots of men lie about their height as well, which makes no sense because as soon as you meet them they've been busted. It makes you wonder what else they're lying about. Using a very old photograph is another common thing, so when you meet them they look nothing like their picture. From my experience, if a man is wearing a hat in all his pictures, it usually means he's bald. It's not that I have a problem with how someone looks, but it suggests that they might.
I've got plenty of horror stories. I met somebody who, after exchanging a few emails, texted me just before we met up to say, "By the way, I'm only looking for casual sex so if you're not up for that let's not bother meeting", which was nice from a complete stranger. We never did meet up. Another man looked me in the eye on our first date and told me that he didn't really like internet dating because he found that he was much, much better looking than the women he encountered. Charming. I met up with a guy in a café in Primrose Hill (at his suggestion – I live in south London), and he went on and on about how much he hated social injustice and that being in a place like that made him want to take out a gun and shoot everyone. I guzzled my coffee and left as quickly as I could.
It wasn't all bad. I did have a couple of second dates and I've met plenty of nice people, but there was never anyone I had chemistry with. I can't honestly say that in all those years I met anyone who made my heart beat faster. I've given up now and instead ask my friends to set me up with their friends. That has been a much better experience because there's human involvement in pairing you off together as opposed to it being done by technology, which is flawed. In my new book, Unsuitable Men, the heroine has been with who she thought was the perfect man but he turned out to be all wrong. She realises what she thought was perfect actually isn't, so she starts to date people who are completely off-the-wall to see if she can learn something from that instead. Someone who may seem all wrong for you may actually be right. But the flaw in internet dating is that it doesn't allow you that.
I wouldn't tell someone never to try it, but I would warn people to approach it with caution. Treat it as a bit of fun and keep your expectations very low. Going on dates and sitting with strangers with whom you have absolutely nothing in common will make you realise how misleading the internet is in making you think you might have something in common with someone. Now I prefer to suss people out in person. It becomes a lot less strange to just speak to a complete stranger in a café or strike up a conversation with whoever in a bar after you've been on a date with someone who thought the Jews made too much of a fuss over the Holocaust.
Interview by Gillian Orr. Pippa Wright's novel, 'Unsuitable Men', is published by Pan Macmillan, £6.99

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Stargazer Video Chat Celebrates One Million Visitors to its Online Dating and Video Chat Website this Year

Stargazer Video Chat, a unique video chat rooms and online dating site, has recently announced that it has passed the one million visitor watershed already this year. This is a simple service with a plethora of features designed to make meeting other single people a simple, safe and fun experience.
Free online dating sites have matured significantly in recent years, and users now expect their site of choice to be equipped with the kinds of features which facilitate simple and secure networking. Stargazer Video Chat designed its website to be simple and to the point, which appeals to the current generation of users, who are tired of searchable profiles and want a simple way to meet others.
Stargazer Video Chat understands that in the world of many dating sites it is important to provide an exceptional value to its users, and the most important factor in online dating is an ability to participate in an active dating community and to be able to see and meet many people. Extended user profiles and a very advanced search function helps singles to find, connect and communicate with the kind of people they are attracted to, but there is nothing like being able to meet others using live video chat without relying on automated match making.
The inclusion of live video chat is a key feature that Stargazer Video Chat is using as the backbone of its online dating site. By allowing people to see, speak and communicate with each other in real time, Stargazer Video Chat has removed the limits of purely text based communication. This also solves problems that are traditionally associated with people using fake or outdated information in their profiles. By using the video chat feature, people can instantly evaluate the other party, which prevents people from becoming attached to another individual who is in realty, nothing like the person they describe themselves.
Andre Starr, the founder of Stargazer Video Chat, adds: "I am pleased to have hit the one million visitor mark so early this year, and believe that the reason for this sharp increase in traffic is the quality of our community. I always aim to bring something new to the market, something fresh that makes people say Wow! This is cool! I aim to provide a very social experience, more of a community than a peer to peer style of online dating. I think this is a good balance between personal security and the ability to freely connect with people. Having over a million visitors since the beginning of the year leads me to believe we have got things right."
Stargazer Video Chat operates within a very competitive market. The strategy it has employed, to provide an innovative type of online dating site, should help it to continue developing its position as one of the most unique online dating sites.

Are Online Dating Services a Waste of Money?

Jonathan Kitchen / Getty Images
Jonathan Kitchen / Getty Images
Based on the numbers alone, the advantages of online dating services seem obvious. The sites grant access to larger pools of potential dates than you could ever find on your own, and the more people you connect with, the greater the chance is that one of those people could be your soul mate. Some sites even promise “scientific formulas” to create perfect matches, making it sound as if the odds of finding true love are all but guaranteed. Unfortunately, though, just like that certain someone who fails to call for a follow-up date, there are indications these sites don’t come through on their promises.
A team of researchers led by Eli Finkel, a professor of social psychology at Northwestern University, decided to test the claims of dating sites by comparing the likelihood that users would not only find, but also stick with their “online soul mates” for the long haul. Their study, published in Psychological Science and summarized in a New York Times op-ed, concludes that even though as many as 25 million people per month seek matches through online dating services, these individuals are no more likely to find their soul mates than people who hook up with partners through conventional methods—singles bars, blind dates, friends of friends.
(MORE: Here’s How Your Identity Will Be Stolen: The Top 10 Scams)
What’s worse, online dating services make claims that are largely unfounded. Sites may say they use scientific methods and proven algorithms as the basis for matching, but they don’t release the data due to proprietary reasons, or the data they produce don’t fit the criteria for scientific acceptability. Dating sites don’t use controlled studies, for example, which would be nearly impossible. These issues haven’t stopped promoters from making outlandish, unproven claims, such as the bizarre one from GenePartner, a site that says its matchmaking abilities are superior because it incorporates users’ DNA: “Now, hard science is making it easier to find true love. A new matchmaking system uses DNA to help find your dream date, and it’s redefining what it means to be compatible.”
Flawed though these sites are, many singles still view them as the best option. And while you can’t put a price on love, you can at least try to spend your money on dating sites in the smartest way possible. With prices ranging from totally free to $60 per month, how can you get the most for your money with online dating services? Some strategies:
Limit your time and your choices. You might assume that the more choices you have, the greater your chances are of finding that one ideal mate. This actually goes counter to psychological research on decision-making. Whether it’s picking a T-shirt from a range of 20 different colors, or finding an online match among thousands, “choice overload” has been proven to lead people to make worse choices. In studies, people tend to make smarter, more sensible picks when selecting from a smaller batch (6 to 10) compared to dozens or options. With a dating site, what’s likely to happen is that you’ll closely scrutinize the first few profiles that pop up in your search, but after that, your brain gets tired. You start skimming, and the search becomes somewhat random. As a result, you may ignore or skip past perfectly good choices that pop up later. To avoid this problem, limit your searches in terms of profiles and time. Each person works differently, but it’s probably unwise to scan through more than two dozen profiles in a single sitting. If you can’t recall a single thing about a profile seconds after checking it out, it’s time to take a break.
(MORE: A Mom’s Work Is Worth $113K Annually. Or Maybe About Half That)
Match up with the right site. One easy way to narrow your options is to choose your site carefully. Large dating sites with upwards of 2.5 million users (eHarmony, PlentyofFish, Match, True) promise more potential dates, but because they are so generic you may have less of a chance of finding someone who shares qualities that you value. It’s OK—good, even—to have fewer choices, so long as they’re better ones. Niche dating sites might be just the answer. If you’re highly educated and seeking a highly educated partner, Right Stuff Dating (“The Ivy League of Dating”) may be right for you. People who want to date British guys may, naturally, want to check out A special breed of single might instead be drawn to (“Because city folks just don’t get it”). For help finding and getting a feel for various dating sites, check out resources from Real Simple,, ConsumerSearch, and Consumer Rankings.
Keep an open mind. Don’t assume right away that someone who misses out on a supposedly key quality (like height) should automatically be eliminated as a prospect. Start with a broader list of criteria, and give yourself enough time to study all of the qualities in a profile to get an overall sense of who the person is. It’d be a shame if someone was off your radar due to height when you and this person have the exact same taste in movies or music.
(MORE: Millennials Are Biggest Suckers for Selfish Impulse Buys)
Don’t buy into the “scientific method” hype. The formulas that sites use don’t stand up to scientific scrutiny. You’re better off using a site that allows you to interact with potential partners sooner than later, particularly if you are able to meet them in person. People often form erroneous impressions from online communications. Once formed, these impressions can lead to shattered expectations when you actually come face to face. So, scary as it may seem, try to meet your online choices in person asap. The truth is that you can’t substitute a scientific formula or digital communications for the vibes you get when you actually meet someone in the flesh.
The bottom line? If you want Cupid’s arrow to strike you from the online dating cloud, don’t be sucked in by false scientific claims or millions of dating choices. Select the sites that make the most sense for you, don’t overwhelm yourself with too many options, and don’t waste your effort and money on extensive profiling. Know what you want before you log on, but allow yourself to be surprised when the seemingly not-so-perfect choice turns out to the one who rocks your world.

Online dating now the norm?

A few years ago when I met my husband online, Internet dating wasn't widely accepted. Now, not only is it accepted, but it's also almost expected.
Back then it had a stigma, but when my older brother tried and suggested e-dating, I reluctantly www.ent for it too.
So I logged on, input my guy-teria, and lo and behold, who's the first match to pop up on my screen? My brother.
One major hurl later -- and one day before my 30-day free membership expiry -- I met my future husband (who couldn't be any more different than my brother). We started off as long-distance friends of two years, then a couple, and now we're just part of the growing statistics literally marrying online to offline.
When it began in 1995, who knew Internet dating would become a bigger industry than porn.

Between 2007 and 2012 the online dating industry more than doubled its revenue, going from $900 million to $1.9 billion annually, and had a jump in visitors from 20 million to 40 million a year, according to information from
With an estimated 1,500 sites there's something for every singleton, including farmers, over-50s, single parents, religious-minded, marriage-seekers, booty-callers, and there's even -- for those with HIV and other STDs.
But it's not just dating sites matching mates; it's social media too. After all, how many people use Facebook's relationship status as a free advertisement? A British survey found 72% of respondents used both dating sites and social networks to search for love, while 19% used social media sites alone.
And about half the people surveyed by research firm Synovate believe web dating is a great way to meet their match. Even people who don't like it agree.
"I just really, really dislike online dating. But, I feel I have to do it anyway," says Samantha Tate. The 35-year-old cites the same need for it that many studies indicate: She has to look outside her own social circles to find someone, and long work hours equate to less workin' it hours.
So much like online shopping allows us to furnish our homes or closets in a click, it also allows us to furnish our relationships.
Jennifer Gibbs is an associate professor of communication at Rutgers University in New Jersey, who has done in-depth research on the subject (including meeting her husband online).
She says it can promote "relationshopping" (people-shopping and selling themselves) more than "relationshipping."
"Online dating can be a great portal or introduction, but it's just the first step and needs to be followed up with relationshipping to develop a relationship, a lot of which does happen offline," she says.
With relationshopping come picky buyers. Gibbs notes exaggerated importance is often placed on small cues such as typos, which can lead to quick rejection.
"It's easy for someone to decide they only want to date men 6 feet or taller, and filter out someone who is 5'11 -- when in person an inch of height difference would not be perceptible."
It may come as a surprise, but Gibbs thinks that most online dating participants strive to present themselves honestly. "My colleagues and I did find a lot of embellishment in our research, as many online daters do try to present an ideal version of themselves to attract potential partners -- in the same way that job-seekers embellish their resumes."
But she says it's mostly "white lies," and participants found lies were a waste since the truth comes out by the first date or later.
In the end, looking for love online may not be for you. The same way it wasn't for me -- the person who met her husband online